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The population of Chorleywood(map)

Beknazar Abdikamalov Essays, Task 1 Add comments


As can be seen from the map, the population of Chorleywood has raised between 1868 and 1904. It is obvious during the early years the number of the population was the fewest, when people lived closer to main road. Then, there was significant growth in the number in 1883  and people continued to be located nearby the main road.

Besides, there are started to establish new types of transports and it these processes influenced upon the number of the population. First of all, when new railway station was built, hence the peoples started to move and existed around this railway and these movements went on until 1970, when the huge motorway crossed perpendicularly to the railway, then the people of this village adapt grounds round to this motorway.

To sum up, it is clear to observe that setting up new kind of transports affected significantly the number and localization of this population.

One Response to “The population of Chorleywood(map)”

  1. Beknazar Abdikamalov Says:

    just for testing….

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