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Effect of violent games on children

Beknazar Abdikamalov Essays, Task 2 Add comments

Children today play very violent games. This must be reason for the increase in violence and crime in most major cities of the world.

What are your opinions on this?

These days, in many developed countries new technologies being more popular quickly, people inventing new methods of relaxing end do not think widely about their children. Inventors also should take care of bad influences upon young entrepreneurs. One of the dangerous engagements is playing violent games on computer.

Some people think that playing computer games better than consuming drugs, doing crimes and robbing banks. But we must know that these violent games can teach our children to rob or to do crimes. Because, having played these games children realize that killing and fighting are very simple and they might do it in real life.

In fact, many parents have realized consequences of playing violent games and searching solutions to save their children from violence and crime. I think playing computer games is not only engagement to relax, there are so many useful engagements as reading books, chatting with friends and learning new technologies.

Unfortunately, nobody has seen government’s efforts against playing violent games. In my opinion, they should create some laws against playing these games before it is not too late. Because, only parents cannot prevent this proceed themselves. But, scientists have not defined yet that violent games entirely harmful for children, maybe there are useful sides playing these games.

In conclusion, we must think about our future and our future depends on children. Thus, we should care about children’s psychology and health. We must begin struggling against violents games and use new technologies just for the sake of welfare.

 Total words: 250

One Response to “Effect of violent games on children”

  1. Guest Says:

    Good job!

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