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Fast foods in Britain

Beknazar Abdikamalov Essays, Task 1 Add comments

The chart shows the expenditure on fast foods by three income groups and the graph consumption on fast foods between 1970 and 1990.

It can be seen from the chart that pizza was the least popular on average on low income group, when the high income group spent more money than fish and chips. And, significant amount of money expended on hamburgers by high income groups, more than 40 pence per week.

In 1970s most of people preferred fish and chips to other fast foods, when hamburgers and pizza was the least consumed. The consumption of pizza was the least until 1988 and rose steadily. By 1990 the consumption of pizzas increased dramatically and peaked more than 500 grammas.

To sum up, the weight of pizzas and fish/chips are consumed by British people almost equalled by 1990. Fish and chips were mainly preferred by average income groups and the highest amount of money was spent by low income group.

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