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Do we become used to bad news?

Beknazar Abdikamalov Essays, Task 2 Add comments

News editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if more good news was reported?

Nowadays, news editors find out how to attract people to their prepared materials. And, there are two main factors that influence their decisions. Firstly, the type of customers who read or watch their news. For example, if they want to show their materials for teenagers, they should prepare news in appropriate way. Like, trying to broadcast more news related to sportsmen, singers or education. Because, teenagers and children do not watch read about politics, economic dramas or dramas. So, editors try to refer their products using their clients’ taste.

Second is hotness of the news. It is clear that people do not want to watch news which happened few months ago or weeks. Modern people want to be the first listener of any information or some unheard-of sensations. It is the demand of the modern and miser society and editors should follow these rules.

Progressively, our tastes are changing on news. We are becoming more adaptable and suitable for bad news. In my opinion, there are some reasons of liking to watch bad news. We like it because, we do not face them in everyday life and we like astonishing at some news. By watching and reading we can easily learn consequences and try not to repeat such bad acts like them.

To sum up, news channels and magazines do not want to lose their customers and try to publish people’s expectations. Moreover, these days people extremely curious and news producers should satisfy clients’ demand. And, there are more requests for bad news.

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